Getting into and out of the Rule Builder quickly

Welcome to our first DriveWorks Tips & Tricks blog post.  The idea is to give you one (maybe two) tip/trick each post to help you use DriveWorks more effectively or efficiently.  Short and sharp, easy to read, absorb and use.  I hope they help.

I’ll be starting with DriveWorks Administrator as that is where most work is done.

Yes, I realise those of you who are already using DriveWorks will already know many of the tips & tricks I present, but hopefully not all of them.

Tip 1 – Getting into and out of the Rule Builder quickly

When you select a rule to build – model, variable, calculation table, etc – you don’t have to move your cursor all the way to the top of the screen to select the Build button (which moves around a bit anyway, as you know).

Simply press Ctrl+B to open the Rule Builder.  Easy as that!

When you’ve finished building a rule, again, you don’t have to move your cursor all the way to the top of the screen to select the OK button.

Simply press Ctrl+Enter on the keyboard and you’re out!

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